Our programs aim to advance a racially just future for learning
because equitable education is a right.
Supporting and empowering students from poverty-impacted
communities to thrive in school, college and career.
Our programmatic supports include early learning, K-12 academics, post-secondary success, and successful entry into career. We continuously work to expand our partnerships and relationships to provide robust support services across all points of the education continuum.
Flexible Problem Solvers
We are committed to providing equitable education for all Greater Than students in Reynolds and Hillsboro School Districts. This requires our approach be a combination of direct service and deep collaboration.

We are committed to racial equity and the dismantling and restructuring
of systems that create inequities for underrepresented and historically excluded students.
Our Approach
We view every aspect of our work through the lens of racial equity which guides our decision-making, organization relationships, policies, and practices.
It is this lens that leads us to hold parents and primary caregivers as the central stakeholders of our work. In order to best serve the changing needs of families and students, we must prioritize responsiveness and adaptability , changing our approach quickly and frequently.
This can only be accomplished through a combination of partnerships and direct service, leveraging the expertise and resources of other organizations alongside our own.
Who We Are
Increase in students served by Math Stars in 2022-23
Funds invested directly into communities through basic needs support
increase in 9th graders on track to graduate in the 2021-22 school year
We serve schools in two distinct communities,
Rockwood and Downtown Hillsboro.
While the communities are more than 30 miles apart, they share many strengths and are both high opportunity communities. Both of these neighborhoods have been impacted by systemic racism, holding back families from thriving to their fullest potential.
Lincoln Street Elementary School
Alder Elementary School

“I think that coming to Alder was the best thing that could have happened to me because it was here where I realized I had the opportunity to go to college.”